The evil behind the Trans movement
Reality was created in pairs and in the interplay of these pairs, the world before us unfolds. The fact that dualism pervades all of reality is an indicator that it is one of the foundational rules that govern reality.

Pause & consider the dualistic nature of our reality and how when two opposites come together, the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts.
When night & day are exchanged, we get days, weeks & months.
When a seed is planted in the earth gives us food.
When a man and a woman are joined, they create a child.
The modern fringe view that gender is a social construct is just as silly as calling gravity a social construct. Worse yet, it will have consequences just as severe as someone who walks off a cliff because they don't believe in gravity.
Reality was created in pairs and in the interplay of these pairs, the world before us unfolds. The fact that dualism pervades all of reality is an indicator that it is one of the foundational rules that govern reality. Therefore, it is logical to say that if you mess with the foundations, the entire structure is compromised.
The question here is much deeper than the fact that you can't change your gender. The current hysteria around gender is an attack on one of the very principles that allow us to flourish & thrive. As a species, we can only thrive through the union of BIOLOGICAL MEN & BIOLOGICAL WOMEN, full stop period. Perhaps the driving force behind the gender hysteria is one that hates life and wishes to see it extinguished.
I will leave you with this. 214 years ago, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, one of history's greatest authors, captured the life-denying sentiment we see at play today in one of his greatest works, Faust. The antagonist in the work, Mephistopheles, is arguably a representation of the devil says:
I am the spirit that negates.
And rightly so, for all that comes to be
Deserves to perish wretchedly;